You may be new to this page, you may be new to our Church; but you are not new to God! The Bible says that God knew you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. He knows every detail of your life and loves you with an everlasting love which will never change.
Just now, wherever you are, all He really wants you to know is this: He loves you!!!
On behalf of Jesus Christ, we, His Church, would like to take this opportunity and invite you to come and experience a Sunday with us. Give us just two hours of your Sunday and watch how God will fill your life and give you far more than what you can ever imagine! Or if you are located someplace away from Bangalore, we’d encourage you to find a Bible-based church closest to you.
The Bible says:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
He is a God of Mercy and Love. We all have our failures and defeats but God never disqualifies us. God never writes us off. God is on our side and He has great plans for us. You are neither an accident on planet earth nor a byproduct of evolution. But God created you with a purpose. He designed your dreams, desires and destiny, and He wants you to live an abundant Life. There is no limit as to what God can do in your life. He is more powerful than any evil that can get in your way.
There are no prerequisites, no qualifications, no fees, no skills and no hidden specifications. God accepts you and we welcome you, just the way you are.